Spruce Knob Rhododendrons
A recent guest of ours submitted these photos and a great write-up on their trip. Thanks Becky!
The Golden Anchor Cabins was the perfect place for us to stay during our recent trip to West Virginia. We enjoy hiking in Dolly Sods and around the Spruce Knob area. Our first morning was misty so we decided to drive to Spruce Knob Lake. Leaving the cabins we went south through Harman and turned left where you see the large pink ribbon barn. I believe it was Rt 29/1. This road will take you along Gandy Creek and through the Gandy Creek Dispersed Camping area. The rhododendrons were beautiful along
the creek and in the woods. You can stop at the various camp sites to get a closer look. Eventually the road moves away from the creek and you will see a pine forest and notice the forest opening up as you approach the lake. It is a serene area and I love hiking around the lake. We saw a bald eagle and were told there had also been an osprey earlier that morning. You can continue on to Spruce Knob for wonderful views and more gentle hiking. Later we went to Dolly Sods to hike some other favorite trails. Even though we love hiking the area returning to a nice cabin with such nice decor was a treat.